Tuesday, October 11, 2011

#Occupy_OKC is happening and I just found out this evening. I just found out about the whole #OccupyWallStreet thing!!! I don't watch the news because it's just depressing. I so want to be apart of this movement. For so many years I have been upset about the need of money, the need of a car to get around. Here in Oklahoma City there are no sidewalks, no mass transit systems. Just yesterday I was dreaming of a high speed rail system between states. It's all a vicious cycle... Money begets greed begets money! 
I just need to go down there after work with my camera and take some pictures...


Sunday, September 25, 2011

The summer of long shadows.

The sun was always tilted, the shadows were long and solemn like winters mood never lifted. I ignored that fact and drank until it didn't matter.

I hide in the shade and talk to no one. A whisper from the trees... 
They tell me secrets, things I should never know.

Can I hide with the trees till next summer? 
I will pry back some bark and crawl in to be cozy when the snow falls again.

I heard that fairies hide their dreams in the bark of the trees. Be careful not to get a nightmare by mistake, it will taunt you every night till you can never get to sleep.
(photography by James R. King)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Give me a piece of that Kit Kat bar

Nothing is special. Everything is a waste. I seem to only come here when I'm severely pissed off at the world. <:-( What the hell!!! I am so tired of living in boring Oklahoma... It just feels like all the creativity is censored to an inkling and then you are yelled at by christians till you don't want to leave the house anymore. I'm just ranting, but at least I can get some of this out.

I want someone special in my life but the guys I like either don't like me or live 1000 miles away. I'm about to turn 40 and have been single for way to long. My car is about to blow up and I just started paying on my student loans so a new car is out for now. I did get a nice raise at work but how long till I get bored/tired of dealing with that? Hopefully a long time because I really do like the people I work for. The job itself... well I'm dealing with it for now.

Maya Angelou is in the background telling me how grateful I am for what I do have and what I can achieve if I get to work. Work hard for everything and make it special.
Well then there is my health/energy level... Defiantly not enough energy for what I want to accomplish. Mornings are not my friend so getting started early is usually a flop. My allergy shots are helping with a lot this past year, not many migraines for once. I still get sick to easily and fatigue just stops me every evening.

Well, I need to turn my phone back on and stop ignoring all the people in my life. They have some weird quirks and it frustrating to deal with them. I just need/needed a break!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Everything is grey.

Allergy hell. The harder I try to create the weaker I become. I'm just tired all the time and can't think clearly enough to follow through all the projects piled up around me. :-( All the spring shows are coming up that I wanted to be in but I have nothing to show. I can't go on functioning like this, sad sad state.

I have tickets to see Lady Gaga Monday night in Tulsa and I'm forcing myself to go no matter how much my head hurts or how tired I am.